Current Staff

Administrative Director of the Oncofertility Consortium and Research Project Manager

Lauren is the Administrative Director of the Oncofertility Consortium and works closely with Clinical Director to provide administrative support for a variety of functions including comprehensive research administration for the Center for Reproductive Health After...

Yu-Ying is a PhD student in the Driskill Graduate Program who joined the Woodruff Lab in 2017. She earned her BS in Life Sciences from National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan. In the Woodruff Lab, Yu-Ying focuses on how inorganic signals, specifically zinc, regulate ovarian follicle development. The study will help us overcome hurdles in our understanding of the fundamental biology of follicle development so that the breakthroughs can be used in the long term to isolate high quality...

Maxwell is a MD/PhD student, and joined the Woodruff Laboratory in 2015. He earned a B.S. in Biological Sciences and a B.A. in French and Francophone Studies from the University of Rhode Island. In the Woodruff lab Maxwell investigates male-based reproductive science projects. Specifically, he is developing bioengineered in vitro culture systems for spermatogenesis, and modeling androgen-dependent interactions in testis and prostate physiology. This work will be...

Graduate Student

Emma is a graduate student in the MD/PhD program (MSTP) at Northwestern. She joined the Woodruff Lab in 2016 and is currently co-advised by Dr. Woodruff and Dr. Ramille Shah. She earned her BS in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT. Her doctoral studies focus on engineering novel biomaterial inks for use in 3D printing an ovarian bioprosthesis. This bioprosthesis could ultimately restore hormone activity and fertility to girls and young women...

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Hoi Chang Lee joined Dr. Woodruff’s lab in 2016 as a postdoctoral fellow. He earned his Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts at Amherst in Animal Biotechnology & Biomedical Sciences. During his thesis study, his research focused on understanding the mechanisms of calcium signaling during fertilization. His current projects in Woodruff’s lab focuses on the zinc signaling during follicular genesis, egg maturation and fertilization in...

Lab Technologist II in Dr. Woodruff's lab.

Lab Tech

Lab Manager, Program Coordinator

Teresa K. Woodruff the Dean and...

Master Student

Jiyang joined the Woodruff Lab in 2015. After earning her BS in Biological Science from Nankai University, she is nowing pursing her MS in Master of Biotechnology Program in Northwestern University. Jiyang is now working with Dr. Shuo Xiao, postdoctoral fellow, mainly on female reproductive toxicology along with other follicle culture projects.