March 2013

Long-acting contraceptives use may increase under ACA

Even though they’re more effective at preventing pregnancy than most other forms of contraception, long-acting birth-control methods such as intrauterine devices and hormonal implants have been a tough sell for women, especially younger ones. But changes in health-care laws and the introduction of the first new IUD in 12 years may make these methods more attractive. Increased interest in the devices could benefit younger women because of their high rates of unintended pregnancy, according to experts in women’s reproductive health.

Women in India Pressured into Unnecessary Hysterectomies

According to a recent investigation, doctors in rural areas of India may be performing unnecessary hysterectomies (the surgical removal of the uterus) on women in an attempt to make additional money. While it is difficult to obtain exact statistics regarding hysterectomies in rural Indian villages, local reports and anecdotal information suggest that private doctors are frightening a number of women into receiving the procedure.

Are powered toothbrushed better than manual ones?

Are electronic toothbrushes better?  When I first started using an ‘electric’ toothbrush with an automated shut-off system,  it surprise me how long it ran (about 2 minutes per use).   I had gotten into the habit of brushing my teeth in 30 seconds or less during my morning rush to get to work.   So when I asked my dentist if the electric ones were ‘better’ she told me it probably had a lot to do with how long one brushed.