February 2016

Global Partner in the News!

Leader of the Brazilian Oncofertility Consortium Wins a Recognized Research Prize in Brazil

Dr. Jhenifer Rodrigues recently was awarded a prestigious prize for her PhD disseration. Below is a blog from Dr. Rodrigues highlighting her success:

By Jhenifer Rodrigues, PhD

The researcher and leader of the Brazilian Oncofertility Consrtium, Dr. Jhenifer Rodrigues, PhD,  won an important prize in research in Brazil,  the Capes Thesis Award 2015, in recognition of a project developed as her Doctoral thesis in 2014.

The project, developed under the guidance of the professors Dr. Richard L Stouffer, PhD and Dr. Mary Zelinski, PhD from Oregon Health and Science University, USA, and also the professor Dr. Paula Navarro, PhD ( Human Reproduction Division from Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine (FMRP), USP, was funded in part by The Oncofertility Consortium and Fogarty.

Presentations from 2015 Conference- Ovarian Follicle Development, Teresa Woodruff, PhD

Today's feature is Dr. Woodruff's presentation from the 2015 Oncofertility Consortium Conference.

Dr. Woodruff's talk touched on three main points:

1. Updates on encapsulated in vitro follicle growth

2. New data on medical mitigation strategies

3. Next generation biomaterials and tissue scaffolds for tissue transplant

To watch the presentation in its entirety, click here.

In anticipation of next year's conference, we will be featuring one of the 2015 lectures each week. You can receive our blog and other oncofertility updates directly to your inbox by signing up!

Mark your calendar for the 2016 Oncofertility Conference: Expanding Access to Emerging and Existing Oncofertility Services, November 1-3, 2016!!