EVATAR has received an incredible amount of press! A victory for women's health worldwide. A sample of the media is listed below.
National Media:
- EVATAR Named Top Paper of 2017 by NIEHS, NIH
- Device Mimicking Female Reproductive Cycle Could Aid Research, NPR
- How a Device That Mimics Your Period Could Advance Women’s Reproductive Health Treatments, New York Magazine, The Cut
- This Gadget Has a Real Working Menstrual Cycle, MIT Technology Review
- Scientists Built a Vagina on a Tablet, Inverse
- Modeling the Female Reproductive Tract in 3-D: The Birth of EVATAR, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NIH)
- A tiny reproductive system in a dish could help us understand women’s health, The Verge
- Microfluidic model replicates womens’ reproductive tract, New Atlas
- EVATAR Mimics Women’s Periods to Help With Drug Testing, Women's Health Blog
- World’s First ‘Menstrual Cycle in a Dish’ Simulates Female Body, National Geographic
- Women's Entire Menstrual Cycle Replicated in a Lab, Live Science
- Female Reproductive Device Could Help Scientists Understand Women's Bodies Better, Romper
- EVATAR Mimics Women's Periods to Help With Drug Testing, Daily Me
- Mini Female Reproductive System on a Chip, The Scientist
- Meet Evatar: The Lab Model That Mimics the Female Reproductive System, New York Times
- This working model of the female reproductive system can fit in the palm of your hand, Stat News
- Microfluidic system mimics 28-day female reproductive cycle, Chemical and Engineering News
- Device Mimicking Female Reproductive Cycle Could Aid Research, KNKX
- 3-D Device Simulates Female Reproductive System and Liver, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Chicago Researchers Created a Mini Female Reproductive System on a Chip, Boing Boing
- Period in a Petri Dish’ Could Have a Big Impact on Reproductive Research, She Knows
- Female reproductive system made in a dish, Cosmos Magazine
- Mini Personalized Reproductive System Called ‘Revolutionary, MPR
- 3-D miniature Female Reproductive System may Boost Safety and Effectiveness in testing New Drugs, NewsGram
- How to build a female reproductive system that fits in the palm of your hand, PBS News Hour
- Female menstrual cycle in a dish, Long Room
- The menstrual cycle has now been re-created on a plastic chip, ZME Science
- 3D model of female reproductive system could help test drugs for efficacy, safety, Drug Delivery Business News
- Female reproductive tract recreated as palm-sized devide, MSN
- Scientists built a robot that gets periods, New York Post
- This model of the female reproductive system fits in the palm of your hand, Hoholok
- Scientists Build a Menstrual Biochip That Does Everything But Bleed, Wired
- Menstrual Cycle on a Chip" Offers a New Window into Female Physiology, Scientific American
- The World's First 'Period' in a Dish Could Revolutionize Reproductive Medicine, Gizmodo
- Scientists Create Miniature "Menstrual Cycle in a Dish", Mental Floss
- These Cambridge researchers put the entire female reproductive system on a chip, Boston Business Journal
- Mini female reproductive system may revolutionise drug testing, India Today, India
- Microfluidic model replicates womens’ reproductive tract, ITECH
- Working model of female reproductive system has first period, Last Minute Geek
- ‘Organ On A Chip’ Re-creates the Female Menstrual Cycle, Discover Magazine
- Organ-On-A-Chip: Scientists Recreate Menstrual Cycle In 3D To Aid In Drug Testing, Tech TImes
- World’s first ‘menstrual cycle on a chip’ created, Medical Tips Online
- Menstrual Cycle in a Dish’ Explores Intricacies of Female Body, Health Day
- Menstrual Cycle in a Dish’ Explores Intricacies of Female Body, Philly.com
- The World’s First Menstrual ‘Period’ in a Dish Could Revolutionise Reproductive Medicine, World News
- Menstrual cycle recreated ‘in a dish’, Real News
- The womanlike menstrual cycle has been replicated in an organ-on-a-chip, Android
- EVATAR - A female Reproductive Tract on a Chip, Technology Networks
International Media:
- Researchers have created a menstrual cycle on a chip, Metro, UK
- Zyklus in der Zellkultur, Spiegal Online, Germany
- Could this be the solution to your gyno problems? My Body and Soul, Australia
- 女性生殖器をモデル化した「EVATAR」で月経周期のホルモン量変化を再現。生殖メカニズム解明や不妊・避妊薬開発に道すじ, Engadget, Japan
- Female Reproductive System Created in a Dish Using Evatar, ITB News, Vietnam
- Mini female reproductive system may revolutionise drug testing, Free Press Journal, India
- Evatar ist der perfekt nachgebaute weibliche Zyklus, Wired, Germany
- Evatar: voortplantingsorganen op een chip, NPO Radio, Netherlands
- EVATAR, le cycle menstruel dans une boite de pétri, Houssenia Writing, Madagascar
- Un sistema reproductivo en la palma de la mano, Ciencia al dia, Colombia
- Un dispositivo replica el ciclo menstrual usando tejido humano y modelos 3D de ovarios, trompas, útero y vagina, Publico, Spain
- Mini female reproductive system may revolutionise drug testing, Isreal News, Israel
- Crean un sistema reproductivo en miniatura que emula todo el ciclo menstrual femenino, Conciencia Es Noticias, Spain
- Evatar, czyli replika żeńskiego układu rozrodczego, MP PL, Poland
- El Ciclo Menstrual En Un Dispositivo Que Cabe En La Palma De La Mano, Galar Science, Mexico
- Scientists create tiny female reproductive system in a dish, United Press International, International Conglomerate
- Mini female reproductive system may revolutionise drug testing, News South Africa, South Africa
- Ecco ‘Evatar’, il ciclo mestruale riprodotto in provetta, Il Sannio Quotidianno, Italy
- Так выглядит EVATAR женской репродуктивной системы. XX2 BEK, Russia
- This Medical Machine Has A Vagina, Gets Its Period And Could Be The Future Of Women’s Health, Marie Claire, South Africa
- Miniatura de aparelho reprodutor feminino cabe na palma da mão. E funciona, Publico, Portugal
- Инженеры воспроизвели менструальный цикл "в пробирке", TUT.BY, Belarus
- Μικροσυσκευή μιμείται επιτυχώς τον γυναικείο εμμηνορρυσιακό κύκλο, IN.gr, Greece
- Mini female reproductive system may revolutionise drug testing, The Tribune, India
- Mini female reproductive system may revolutionise drug testing, Outlook, India
- Female reproductive system on biochip boosts gynaecological research, Belfast Telegraph, Ireland
- Device Mimicking Female Reproductive Cycle Could Aid Research, Vivere Milano, Italy
- The menstrual cycle has been replicated on a chip in the name of science, Bailiwick Express, United Kingdom
- Menstrual cycle recreated ‘in a dish’, BBC News, United Kingdom
- Device recreating female reproductive tract 'will boost gynaecological research', Jersey Evening Post, United Kingdom
- Scientists Build a Menstrual Biochip That Does Everything But Bleed, Wired
- Female reproductive tract recreated as palm-sized device, AOL UK, United Kingdom
- The female menstrual cycle has been replicated in an organ-on-a-chip, WIred UK, United Kingdom
- World's first 'menstrual cycle on a chip' created to develop individualized treatments for women suffering from reproductive problems, Daily Mail, United Kingdom
- Menstrual cycle recreated ‘in a dish’, NewsFlog, United Kingdom
- MEET THE TAMPONATOR Robot has her first period in scientific feat which will bring machines even closer to humanity, The Sun, United Kingdom
- Female menstrual cycle in a dish ‘EVATAR’, Todou, China
- Menstrual Cycle Recreated ‘In a Dish’, Current News Bulletin, United Kingdom
- Crean un sistema reproductivo en miniatura que emula todo el ciclo menstrual femenino, ABC, Spain
- 器官芯片成功模拟月经周期,或有助未来药物研发, Weixinn, China