October 2017

Melissa's Law for Fertility Preservation

The Oncofertility Consortium was mentioned recently in a feature in Greenwich Magazine, an online magazine from Connecticut. Connecticut was the first state to pass landmark oncofertility legislation, which opens access to fertility treatment for cancer patients. The law is named for Melissa Thompson, a patient advocate who worked with her local lawmakers to get this bill passed. Click on this link: 

Oncofertility in Peru

Colleagues in Peru recently hosted a successful course on fertility preservation and are pleased to announce the opening of their first laboratory in Lima, Peru. See the post below from Dr. Flor Sanchez, who is one of the oncofertility ambassadors in Peru.

Fertility Preservation Course in Cancer Patients and Inauguration of the first Research Laboratory of Reproductive Biology and Fertility Preservation in Lima, Peru.

The Fertility preservation course in cancer patients was held on October 11, 2017, in the auditorium of the building “Laboratorios de Investigación y Desarrollo, LID” at “Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia” (UPCH). This event was co-organized by Dr. Johan Smitz, Dr Sergio Romero and Dr. Flor Sánchez, together with the Peruvian Fertility Society, being a pre-congress course of the XVIII Peruvian Congress of Reproductive Medicine.

Notable Papers

Below are 20 new and notable publications from the field of oncofertility over the past six months. Congratulations to all of our colleagues on these publications.